
Detox – cleansing

It is important to cleanse our internal organs due to years of exposing our bodies to chemicals in our foods and the environment. Organs that clean the body, liverkidneys, and colon, as well as the lungs are usually full of toxic waste and provide an opportunity for Candida (Yeast), heavy metals, and parasites to accumulate in the body.

Since the early 1900’s, 80,000 new chemicals have been added to our environment, 20,000 of them are known to be carcinogens. (A list of chemicals to avoid.) These chemicals build up in our body and make us feel sick or even, if left to accumulate, cause disease. We need to learn ways to avoid toxins and cleanse our bodies to help us remain healthy. Of course, avoiding toxins altogether is impossible unless you live in a bubble, it is possible to limit toxins and learn to cleanse regularly to prevent chemical residue from accumulating in our organs, thereby avoiding disease.

Cleansing and Detoxing can be done with acupuncture and massage without the risk of interfering with daily activities or drinking concoctions for several days. Acupuncture detoxification points address the liver, kidneys, lungs (skin), as well as the autonomic system and stress, removing toxins from the organs so that the body can expel them naturally. (An explanation of the acupuncture points.) Massage moves toxins from the cell level so the body can release and eliminate them. Used together, the body can begin to heal and most people notice an improvement in sleep and energy after the first treatment.

Why Organ Cleansing?

Think of the internal cleansing organs (Kidneys, Liver, Gall Bladder and Colon) as a sponge and filter for the blood. When a sponge gets full of water the excess starts to drip out. When the organs are clogged and dirty from toxic overload the excess toxins spills over into the blood stream. Think of these organs as an oil filter on a car. When the oil filter gets clogged and dirty, the oil gets thick sludgy and eventually causes the engine to break down. This is exactly what happens to our blood stream when the filtering organs have never been cleaned. Imagine driving a car for 65 years without changing the oil or filter. This is exactly what we are doing to our body if we don’t routinely cleanse the organs. The blood eventually gets thick, toxic and oxygen deprived.

Thick blood is an epidemic in America. Thick blood is not caused from an aspirin or Coumadin deficiency. Therefore thick blood should not be treated chemically with blood thinners. The true cause of thick blood is clogged cleansing organs. Thick blood causes the heart to pump much harder. When the heart has to pump thick sludgy blood throughout the entire body this raises the blood pressure.

Now the heart has to beat more often thus increasing the pulse. Think of the heart as a machine, any machine that is overloaded will wear out much faster. After years of overload the heart starts to slow down, now blood starts to back up into the lungs causing a condition known as congestive heart failure. This eventually causes water in the lungs and swelling in the ankles. Instead of treating the symptoms of heart disease with blood pressure pills, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics and Coumadin, why don’t we address the root cause of the problem; weakened clogged internal cleansing organs that have never been cleansed?

By the way, taking 1 aspirin a day to thin the blood and prevent heart disease is no longer recommended by competent medical doctors. They have discovered the fact that this aspirin therapy is actually causing heart disease. Most of the research conducted on aspirin therapy was performed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. No wonder why they are recommending 1 aspirin a day. This is like a fox guarding the hen house.

Ionic Foot Detox

Reclaim Your Vitality with Ionic Foot Detox: A Refreshing Path to Wellness

In today’s fast-paced world, our bodies are bombarded with toxins from the environment, food, and stress. If you’re searching for a natural and rejuvenating way to cleanse your system, an Ionic Foot Detox could be your answer. This simple, yet powerful treatment helps remove harmful toxins while promoting balance and energy renewal. Let’s dive into the benefits and why this detox can become your go-to for a healthier, more vibrant life.

What is an Ionic Foot Detox?

An Ionic Foot Detox is a holistic therapy that uses water charged with positive and negative ions to draw toxins from your body through the soles of your feet. The detox process is non-invasive, relaxing, and allows your body to release the harmful substances it has accumulated over time. You simply immerse your feet in a basin of warm, ionized water, and the magic happens.

The Benefits of an Ionic Foot Detox
Removes Toxins and Heavy Metals  – Day in and day out, we absorb toxins from pollution, processed foods, and chemicals in our environment. An Ionic Foot Detox can help reduce the body’s toxic load, improving overall wellness and restoring your natural energy flow.

– Boosts Energy Levels  – Feeling sluggish and drained? A detox session can provide a noticeable boost in energy by clearing out accumulated waste from your cells. This refreshes your system, leaving you feeling more vibrant and alive.

– Reduces Inflammation and Joint Pain   – If you suffer from joint stiffness or chronic inflammation, an Ionic Foot Detox may help by reducing acidity levels in the body. This encourages better circulation and helps the body heal more efficiently, easing discomfort and pain.

– Supports Immune Function  – When toxins are removed from the body, your immune system doesn’t have to work as hard to defend against illness. Regular detox sessions can strengthen your immune response, helping you stay healthier and more resilient to infections.

– Promotes Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance  – A detox isn’t just about the physical body. As your body releases toxins, you may experience greater mental clarity, reduced stress, and an uplifted mood. It’s a refreshing way to reset both mind and spirit.

Why Should You Try an Ionic Foot Detox?

– Convenient and Relaxing  – One of the greatest things about this therapy is how effortless it is. In just 30-45 minutes, while you sit back and relax, your body begins its cleansing process. It’s self-care at its finest—easy, peaceful, and incredibly effective.

– Natural Cleansing Without Harsh Chemicals  – Unlike some detox programs that require strict diets or supplements, an Ionic Foot Detox uses the gentle power of water and ions to naturally purify your system. It’s a safe, chemical-free way to reset and recharge.

– Instant Results and Lasting Benefits   – Many people report feeling lighter, more focused, and revitalized after just one session. With regular treatments, the benefits compound, leading to better overall health and sustained energy.

 Take the First Step Towards a Healthier You

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, mentally sharp, and physically energized—ready to take on whatever life throws your way. An Ionic Foot Detox is more than just a cleansing treatment; it’s an invitation to reclaim your health and vitality, naturally. Your body is designed to heal, and this detox supports that natural process.

If you’re ready to experience renewed energy, mental clarity, and vibrant health, why not treat yourself to an Ionic Foot Detox? It’s a simple yet transformative step toward a more balanced, toxin-free life. The path to wellness starts with you—and with each detox session, you’re giving yourself the gift of a healthier tomorrow.

Feel lighter, live brighter—begin your detox journey today! 


Foot soak therapy includes minerals, herbs, essential oils & salts in a hydro foot bath utilizing trans-dermal absorption. Herbal foot therapy helps to replenish the body’s nutrients. It can also be targeted toward specific health concerns.

The application of medications to the skin to ease ailments is a practice that has been utilized by humankind over the millennia and has included the application of poultices, gels, ointments, creams, and pastes. These applications were primarily intended for a local topical effect. The skin absorbs chemicals from the environment, both healthy and unhealthy chemicals. Trans-dermal application of medications or other supplemental substances bypasses the metabolism step of oral supplementation and allows the compound to enter the peripheral circulation. The use of adhesive skin patches to deliver drugs systemically was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1979.

Trans-dermal absorption is a proven platform for supplemental interventions within the medical community. Herbal, vitamin and mineral foot baths provide a gentle, relaxing platform for trans-dermal absorption.